Male and two female pronghorn in northeastern New Mexico.
When Meredith and I traveled to Colorado for our minimoon last year, we were forced to take a detour off I-25 north of Wagon Mound. It wasn’t that bad, the road was fine and traffic was light, and we were still making plenty of time.
Next thing I know, there’s a herd of pronghorn outside!
I’m fairly accustomed to seeing pronghorn, since they’re active between Silver City and Deming, but this time I had the long lens I’d rented for our trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. Thankfully, Meredith was more than happy to let me pull over and stop for 10 minutes.
We saw a lot of great wildlife during that trip, but this was the scene that kicked it all off for us.
New Mexican Pronghorn
Male and two female pronghorn in northeastern New Mexico.
When Meredith and I traveled to Colorado for our minimoon last year, we were forced to take a detour off I-25 north of Wagon Mound. It wasn’t that bad, the road was fine and traffic was light, and we were still making plenty of time.
Next thing I know, there’s a herd of pronghorn outside!
I’m fairly accustomed to seeing pronghorn, since they’re active between Silver City and Deming, but this time I had the long lens I’d rented for our trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. Thankfully, Meredith was more than happy to let me pull over and stop for 10 minutes.
We saw a lot of great wildlife during that trip, but this was the scene that kicked it all off for us.
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