(Update below)
A former Western New Mexico University student, George Ambriz, asked a debate question ((transcript here)) during the Democratic showdown in Las Vegas Thursday night. Ambriz asked whether the candidates believe there is a connection between immigration and terrorism. Robert Lovato at the Huffington Post has a bit more about George’s question:
If you listened closely tonight, you could hear echoes of the voter bloc that will, in the long term, counterbalance the weakening pull of the angry white voter. The only Nevadan of Latino extraction who got to ask a question, UNLV student, George Ambriz, used his opportunity to finger debate CNN’s Lou Dobbs for “insinuating” a “linkage” between terrorism and security and immigration. “No terrorist threat has come from our southern border” he said before asking, “Are they (terrorism and immigration) “intrinsically related issues”?
Combined with the Democrats’ rightward turn on immigration, such questioning from an Angry Brown Voter bodes ill for a Democratic party that touted its decision to bring the debate—and a much-anticipated early primary—to Nevada as part of its efforts to be more inclusive of Latinos.
I flagged an American Prospect column last month on what the growing number of Latino voters could mean for politics in this country, and, indeed, the “Angry Brown Voter” may soon be a force to be reckoned with. This is the sort of thing to keep an eye out for.
Ambriz was just before my time at WNMU, but I later met him in Las Vegas at a model United Nations conference. Like me, Ambriz was heavily involved in student government and other clubs while at WNMU—he served as president of MEChA and was a member of the student government, the Associated Students of Western New Mexico University. That’s why it’s so hard to read this:
At the previous Senate meeting on September 12, the once recognized MECHA club of Western, a club since 1970, was denied for re-recognition by an 8 to 6 vote. The reason for the club’s denial was due to MECHA’s inability to adhere to rules stipulated in the student constitution. The primary reason the Senate did not pass the motion, according to ASWNMU, was that for the last two years MECHA did not participate in two student events specified in by-laws concerning recognized clubs; they did not help with homecoming or great race.
The article later cites Abraham Martinez, the current ASWNMU president, who says the students at Western helped lobby for $200,000 to renovate the MEChA building, and that the club hasn’t helped the students in return.
MEChA has had an incredible history at Western, and it’s members have been instrumental in many of the positive changes at the school in recent memory. Between 2003-06, I know members, working in conjunction with the Associated Students, were responsible for securing money for more than the MEChA building at the school. These students lobbied on behalf of the dorms, the natural sciences department, expressive arts, and athletics. In addition, they lobbied for a stronger Lottery Scholarship and against higher tuition increases.
The club’s building is the only student-owned facility on campus, and MEChA welcomed other student clubs to use the building for meetings and fundraising. Two such events were held there in 2005 to raise money for the family of slain WNMU football player Nick Arnold.
To be blunt, this is an area of ASWNMU law that needs to be rectified. The student government cited lack of participation in student events as the reason for denying the club’s recognition. However, if the club is not recognized, its members can’t be credited for participation in those events moving forward.
The best solution, in my opinion, would be a conditional recognition: withhold matching funds for the club (ASWNMU will match fundraising dollars for clubs on campus) during a probationary period, and require the club to participate in the required student events. That way, MEChA doesn’t receive any monetary gain for their club projects, while the students at WNMU are ensured the club is meeting it responsibilities. Everybody wins!
Well, unless somebody is trying to get their hands on MEChA’s building. If that’s the case, then recognition for MEChA can’t happen.
I’m too far removed from the situation to know exactly what’s going on, but I think one bit of the story is telling:
That night, [MEChA advisor Magdaleno] Manzanárez challenged the decision made by the Student Senate and requested an appeals process be put into action. Then he went on to state that he was aware that there was no current Supreme Court Committee in ASWNMU and also requested they bring one together for the appeals process concerning the eligibility of the club.
Looks like ASWNMU doesn’t exactly have its house in order either.
UPDATE: Sunday, 10:30 p.m. — Looks like the crazies are out in full force, concocting conspiracy theories about George and the other folks who asked questions during Thursday’s debate:
In a nutshell, CNN’s six “undecided voters” were:
A Democratic Party bigwig
An antiwar activist
A Union official
An Islamic leader
A Harry Reid staffer
A radical Chicano separatist
Here’s a simple thought: Americans participating in a Democratic primary election or caucus are more than likely going to be Democrats ((It works that way in Nevada and Iowa, and I would also assume that a primary election attracts voters from within the party)). And—horror of horrors—those Democrats might be undecided as to which Democratic candidate they would vote for! They might even attempt to, you know, find out more about the candidates, and even venture so far as to ask questions! I know, the audacity!
One could even presume that the best people to ask questions at a debate among candidates in the Democratic primary election would be actual Democrats.
And boy, MEChA, the “separatist” organization dedicated to overthrowing the U.S. government. I’m not going to bother duplicating the work of Ted at Crooked Timbers, who had a lengthy post on MEChA way back in 2003.
As a fellow Mechista, and former President of Mecha I am very disgusted with the taticts Abe is taking, because he does not like our club, who we are and what we stand for. There is no need to trample over a club that has been around for over 30 years because you have personnel issues with the current Mecha Administration. During my three year tener as President we participated every single year in homecoming and greatrace, we went as far as serving and putting on events with student government. Mr. Martinez needs to stop playing the role of Porfirio Diaz, Mexico’s Dictator for over 30 years, and let our club do the great things it has been doing for thirty years, serving the community and the campus, giving food away to the needy during thanksgiving and Easter, working closing with many Professors on committees and organizations, but most importantly let Mecha be Mecha let our memebers speak their minds if we can’t do it on campus then when can we?
The changes to how event “participation” is noted needs to be clear. Some students try to represent several clubs at once and pad the money they use with several groups. In reality it is the same group of students in each organization. It then becomes unclear what group they are representing at events. One member, who happens to belong to each group, can’t represent all of them at once. This was the case with Mecha last year who claimed the President of ASWNMU was also a member of Mecha. He can’t wear two hats…especially if he is representing all of the students as President of the Student Body. Also, Mecha’s advisor was on sabatical most of last year…a point he failed to mention at the ASWNMU meeting.
ASWNMU is not without fault. They have failed to use their advisors by not e-mailing them minutes or telling the advisors what they were doing on controversial issues (such as handing out politically sponsored material at last years football game). It is only after the fact that ASWNMU officers approach advisors.
WOW!!!!! I cannot believe this foolishness is still occuring within WNMU.
I am also a former MEChA President, and the one who initiated the revival of MEChA at WNMU approximately eleven years ago. As a non-traditional student arriving back to my hometown and enrolling at WNMU, I noticed there were many student organizations on the ASWNMU roster. Some of these oganizations were of cultural influence representing various cultures from throughout the world. Yes, Asian Pacific, Japanese, and others to include the more domestic Black Student Union. That is geat! I felt that then and feel the same today. It is our lack of understanding and awareness of the various cultures on our planet, a part of it’s creation, that have created many problems. Some can, and have refered to this lack of understanding as racism. I am not getting into that right now.
The facts of the matter at hand were based on the lacking of the two dominant cultures historically in New Mexico, The Native American and the Hispano, being represented at WNMU. So thus after some research for a strong student organization nationally to represent the Hispano/a, was an organization called MEChA. Wonderfully enough, there was a time MEChA was active at WNMU, at least ten years prior, with a history going back to the civil rights era (yes, it spilled into the 70’s)in which Hispanos were also discriminated against, even in Silver City. What happened within the unversity then I cannot say as I was very young at the time. I do though, distinctly remember the unfortunate racially motivated incidents I encountered as a child growing up in Silver City. You might be thinking that is the past. I will say that I strongly agree. We have to move forward.
Well, back to MEChA. I found out the organization presented a focus on cultural and political awareness. WNMU had a student body that was compromised of better then fifty percent Hispano. The organization had literature with references pertaining to the Chicano/a. For those who do not know, or understand, the term Chicano refers to the people of the mezcla (mixture) of the Hispano and the Indigenous peoples of the Southwest. I know of a allot of people who identify culturally with that mix. Whether or not they know, don’t know, admit to, or don’t admit to being of that mix. Many want to stay away from the identity of Chicano. That is fine, but never deny your roots. We needed, and continue to need a voice on campus as a whole. I then talked to Dr. Manzanares, asked him if he would serve as advisor, made and distibuted many flyers, and began the rebirth of MEChA at WNMU.
Our goals and actions were purely positive and we truly initiated a relationship between the school and the community which is vital to overall success. Within two weeks of the initial actions was an activity organized and carried out by MEChistas, on 16 de Septiembre. Not because it is a holiday for us, but as a tool for cultural awareness. We had food, music, and dance as part of the festivities. We were featured that day statewide on the evening and late night televised newscasts. Those newscasts presented very positive comments on our presentation. We were very ready and willing participants in school activities, encouraged the rebirth of the Native American Club, pushed for the strengthening of the Black Student Union, and offered the building to all clubs/organizations for their use also. That building was presented to MEChA in the 80’s by the WNMU Board of Regents, with the blessing of the state. WNMU Administration then tried to take it back. Dr. Manzanares and myself attended many meetings with the university’s President to keep that from happening. It was a stuggle and we never even made it public due to our desire to see stronger ties between the school and the community. I had to go as far as contacting Rep. Diane Hamilton, who was a board member during the time the building was given to MEChA. She readily and eagerly offerd support and advised me carefully and positively. I hope those of you who appreciate the building continue to thank her. She is a wonderful person with a true belief in, and support for WNMU and it’s students.
Well, that was the ninety’s. A definite history of WNMU and MEChA. Now I ask, after all that struggle and strife, why is it still going on? Que pasa, mi gente de Grant County? Is not change, posive action, and support for the voice of the people native to the area vital? Definitely! We must be stong, positive, persistent, and always supportive of one another. It should be both within the cultural community and outside of it. We, young and old, student and non-student must work towards the obviously much needed change.
WNMU is a institution of higher learning, even at a time when our nation’s higher education system has become a business. We need to change and restore that too! Most of all, think about it, there is enough political BS in Washington and students should not try to play a similar game. I saw it then, and it seems to still be hapening today. Que lastima/what a shame. At a time when we as a people, a nation, and as students need positive change, why do we not work towards it. We are all students of life and obviously are not learning the vital lessons of life. Come on WNMU/ASWNMU, be at the front, help create change….
Mend the differences once and for all. Ya basta con estos pedos!!!!!!
Avelino Maestas
Bob, that’s a BS answer. While a student at WNMU, I was a member of two clubs: MEChA and the Society for Education in Politics. Several members were in both groups, but that was OK: each group had a different mission and set of goals.
In addition, while I was a member, the groups participated individually in the events required by the ASWNMU bylaws. It’s not that hard.
Either way, that’s a separate issue than the one mentioned in the Mustang article linked above.
Finally, Dr. Bustamante stepped in for Dr. Manaznarez last year as the adviser for MEChA last year, so I fail to see why that’s an issue.
This is essentially what I wanted to get across during the meeting I attended to try to find out why MEChA was denied recognition.
1. MEChA received matching funds for its last activity of the spring semester, which means it was in good standing. The Senate is the one that approved it.
2. I was briefed by members of MEChA and by Dr. Bustamante that the club had been participating is the required events—and beyond.
3. The misleading charges made by the President of ASWNMU were bordering on the irrational. While I was addressing the Senate, which is the one in charge of legislating, to wit: approve or disapprove funds, recognition of clubs, etc. The President took the floor to disrespectfully engage in a tirade against MEChA. In essence, he stated that MEChA had not done anything and made the completely false statement regarding the $200,000 dollars the State Legislature appropriated for the MEChA Building. His comments clearly stated that the Club had received such amount. As we all know the moneys from the Legislature go directly to the University. I attended a legislative trip with members of MEChA and SEP to urge legislators to grant MEChA additional funds to continue with the renovation. Victor Carbajal, the current president of MEChA headed the delegation. The trip was completely financed with funds from both clubs. We did not spend a single penny from Student Government. In fact, the legislators we met asked about Abraham, who by the way was nowhere to be seen during our visit. We even met President Counts that day.
4. During the Senate meeting I attended, Dr. Farren, our VP for Student Affairs, strongly called on the student government to consider creating an appeals procedure. He also stated that student government officials should have contacted Dr. Bustamante or me if they thought MEChA was not fulfilling its responsibilities. A couple of Senators invited me to meet with the full senate to discuss MEChA’s standing. I have yet to receive a formal notice for that meeting.
5. I did meet with Abraham that same evening in his office. I was told he has nothing against MEChA, except of course, all he said in public.
6. During that meeting many clubs were recognized, none were asked what they did the previous year.
7. What a club did the previous year is irrelevant under the current system, as I understand it. The recognition and the assessment of any club are done by the government in turn. MEChA was recognized for the full 2006-2007school year by the government which was elected and in operation at that time. The present student government is responsible for recognizing and evaluating the clubs during the 2007-2008 school year. One of the key provisions in the U.S. Constitution, under the Bill of Rights, is that the government should not pass ex post facto laws. This is exactly what the current student government did with MEChA. It denied us recognition based on unsupported charges and assumptions. It alleged we did not fulfill our obligations, when the record demonstrated otherwise. It went ahead and applied the “law†retroactively.
8. What the current student government did was a witch hunt, for reasons still unknown to me. I only can say that two previous ASWNMU presidents have been the target of the current one. Jasmine Fallstich endured an impeachment process supported in great measure by Mr. Abraham Martinez. Last spring, it is my understanding that he also was involved in trying to impeach Mr. Victor Carbajal, who was at the time ASWNMU president. Both Ms. Fallstich and Mr. Carbajal were, during their tenure as Presidents, officials of MEChA.
George R. Ambriz
I am glad to see that my question ignited some controversial conversation here and everywhere else. I think it is “totally” absurd that MECHA was denied recognition by that foolish group named ASWNMU, which inadvertently stands for, “Assisting Students is Willing Neglected by Martinez Unification.”
I too was President of the highly successful, community recognized group known as MECHA. We, during my tenure at WNMU, had many sought after ideas that later became norm on campus. We reached out to many members of the community, and not only Latina/o(s) as many people assume, rather, we had working relationships with other minority groups and professional organizations.
It is disheartening to see/read that many people are accepting of the things that ASWNMU are doing despite the true underlying reason for their existence – to help the students – God forbid we actually help students seems to be their stance on recognizing a club. I don’t know if it is ignorance, a blatant slap in the face, or just pure jealousy. My vote is the later, pure jealousy, simply because their mindset is not like that of MECHA members – willingness to help; not hinder. As I come across these articles, it gets me thinking more so about attending one of the Martinez meetings, dammit, I should say ASWNMU meeting, since that is what it is called; however, not practiced! I think I might take a much awaited trip down to Silver City to be privy at all this not needed chaos. Until then, just remember MECHA will not be easily defeated nor will we not step in-front of opposition united and take any sort of necessary action that is for the betterment of all – yourselves included, ASWNMU!!!!!
It is very kind of George to remember us at Western. Many people—and this is not the proverbial “manyâ€â€”have approached me to inquire about what’s going on with MEChA. All without fail have offered their strong support. These are people from within and without the University. It is indeed sad that ASWNMU continues, under misguided leadership, to belittle the long and successful presence of MEChA at Western. I have my theories as to why this is being done; George with his characteristic generosity alluded to one, he might not be entirely incorrect.
To those who have offered support I have answered that students should find a solution to this; the current membership have assured me that they will do just that in the next couple of months.
proud WNMU student
Abraham Martinez is one of the greatest presidents at ASWNMU the only one who has been honored in many times through out the state, such as his new position as the student representative at the NHED (He represents every student of NM in Higher Ed). Just because Mecha was a club that was involved heavily in the past, that does not mean that they are doing their duties in the right manner the last few years. I met with Luis Martinez a Mecha member and he mentioned to me that Mecha was a broma/joke.
There is no discrimination anymore. Look foward instead of looking back. Also i know that, Victor Carbajal claims to lobby that money for Mecha, when after talking to President Martinez, i realized that he got those monies, Victor did not have a clue on how to lobby, President Martinez was involved in lobbying since his freshman year(much more experience than any other member at ASWNMU ever.)He mentioned that Victor went plenty of times to Santa Fe on ASWNMU monies. Also just looked to the capital outlay forms, the one who submitted the forms was Mr. Martinez, therefore Mecha went to Santa Fe as a tourists rather than work(papelito mata chisme). Also sitting at the meeting of recognition of the clubs, every club was asked of their activities through out the academic year 2006-2007 and Mecha representatives could not answer.
I have been at Western for 2 years now and as a sophmore im sad to say that Mecha has not done anything for the University but waste a great located building that should be open to all the students at WNMU (black, asians, hispanic, etc.) ya no se hagan el martir. Most of the Student population wants these changes, and I think the Senate is listening to their constituents, applying the bylwas and equalities within students, with no priviledges to no club. Mecha was a great movement that made possible for hispanics like me to go school, but times have change.